Annual General Meeting - October 10th 7:00pm
Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association will be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday October 10th at 7:00pm. The meeting will be held at Peggy Hill Community Centre in the Daycare Room.
Members in good standing are welcome to attend the AGM and vote on any Constitutional Amendments and/or Board Elections. Proposed Constitutional Amendments will be posted on this website as they are received as per section 4.01 of the Constitution & Bylaws.
Definition of Members from section 2.01 of the BMLA Constitution:
The Association shall have three classes of membership, namely; Playing Members, Adult Members and Life Members.
Playing Members shall be defined as players under the age of 18 who are registered, approved and considered “in good standing” by Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association and the Ontario Lacrosse Association for participation in current lacrosse season in the BMLA’s Box Rep, Box House League or Field Rep Program. Players registered only for clinics, off-season conditioning or Try Lacrosse programs or other programs are not eligible for membership.
Any one (1) parent of a family which has one or more “Playing Members”, in good standing in the association for the current lacrosse season is entitled to one (1) vote at the Annual General Meeting. In this section, the term "parent" means the natural parent, or a person who has lawful custody of the registered child. For clarity, in the case of a split family or joint custody arrangement, the parent who has paid the required fees will be the parent entitled to vote as a member.
An Adult Member shall be eighteen years of age and a registered, bench personnel, registered volunteer or member of the Board of Directors and Coordinators registered with the Association.
Life Members shall be eighteen years of age who has been identified by the BMLA membership as a person who has made a significant contribution to the game of lacrosse or has made a considerable contribution to the BMLA
Positions up for Election at the 2023 AGM:
The following positions are up for Election at the AGM. Please note, there are motions being presented to alter some of the positions for 2024. These are reflected in the notes below. Nominations may be made in advance of the AGM by notifying the Secretary and President. Nominations will also be taken from the floor.
Vice President – Tom Hanrahan has been nominated for this position by Jim Lowe. The Vice President will assume some of the roles of the VP League Development should that position be eliminated.
Vice President of League Development – A motion will be made at the AGM to eliminate this position and combine responsibilities into the Vice President, Vice President of House League, Vice President of Rep Box and Vice President Communications and Marketing.
Vice President of House League – Michelle Pinto will stand again for this position. This position will assume additional responsibilities should the motion to eliminate the VP League Development pass.
Vice President of Equipment – Anthony Lacasse will stand again for this position.
Treasurer – Open for nominations
Section 4.01(D) of the BMLA Constitution and By Laws:
Notices constitutional amendments, and other matters for consideration of the Annual Meeting shall be presented in writing to the BMLA secretary no later than two weeks preceding the meeting. Motions and constitutional amendments require 5 members in good standing to provide written agreement prior to submission.
Section 4.01 (H):
The order of business at the Annual Meeting shall be:
Registration (establish the voting delegates and quorum).
Approval of the Agenda
Approval of the minutes of the last Annual Meeting.
President's report.
Treasurer’s report.
Directors’ reports
Notices of motion (constitutional amendments)
Elections of Officers and Directors
New Business
During the New Business section of the meeting, members may ask reasonable questions of the members of the board regarding the 2023 season. However, motions and business for the 2024 season cannot be conducted at the 2023 Annual General Meeting and must be tabled at the first board meeting of the 2024 season. Members are reminded that the Board Members are volunteers and strive for the best outcome for the association as a whole. Members who cannot be respectful and cordial will be asked to leave the meeting.
Section 4.01 (I):
A quorum for the AGM shall consist of 12 voting members of the BMLA and must include the President (or his/her designate) and 2 other members of the Board of Directors.
Note: The meeting will be chaired by Luke Ringler as the President is unavailable for the AGM.